Dec 13th speaker: Had NDE at birth, SIDS mother, helps dissolve fear of death

International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS)
Orange County Chapter Support and Interest Group


Featured Speaker

Kienda Valbracht


Date:          Saturday, December 13, 2014

Time:         1:00-4:00 pm

Place:         Unity of Tustin, 14402 Prospect Ave., Tustin, CA


Kienda had an NDE (near-death-experience) at birth and the reason why she had many STEs (spiritually transforming experiences) in her early childhood years. In her late teens, to more deeply understand her own experiences, she began exploring the world’s religions, cults, and mystery.

Kienda is also a SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) mother. She bore the shock and sorrow of her infant son’s death. Her continued relationship with her son, Christian Alexander, has contributed to her book, Lucid Death: Conscious Journeys Beyond the Threshold.

She says most people have no idea what happens after death, and so live in fear of the unknown.  Everyone needs a clear, comprehensible understanding of death and the beyond, including doctors, nurses, caretakers and hospice workers, because all physical life begins at birth and ends universally in death. Through her research and experience, she offers information, insight, and hopefully, can help to dissolve the fear, leading to a richer, fuller life.  That experience includes: Reiki Master, Institute of Cultural Affairs Facilitation Training, Interdimensional Consciousness Training. Minister of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards (SHES), Multi-dimensional Cellular Healing, SIDS Grief Counselor, Hospice, Tai Chi Chuan, Firewalking, Omega, Tarot, Subud, Sufi Healing Order, IANDS, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Rites of Passage, Costume Design, Theater Production, Singing, Motherhood, Waldorf Education, and Anthroposophy.

Kienda has an IMA in Thanatology (the study of Death,) and is a Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Kienda’s website is


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