Rich Martini, filmmaker, shares videos from 2 past talks in September 2012

Rich Martini, filmmaker of the documentary Flipside: A Journey to the Afterlife, and our speaker from December 8th, has sent his holiday greetings along with links to his talk at Virginia Beach Friends of IANDS on 9/1/12 and his 30 minute talk at Fellowship of the Inner Light on 9/2/12.  And if that’s not enough,Continue reading “Rich Martini, filmmaker, shares videos from 2 past talks in September 2012”

Guest Speaker Richard Martini, Filmmaker of Afterlife Documentary

Do you have questions about an afterlife?Do we really plan and choose the people and circumstances for our next life?When does the soul enter our body? Richard Martini, author and award winning filmmaker, will talk about his most recent book and documentary of the same name, “Flipside: A Journey Into the Afterlife.”  They’re based on new evidence forContinue reading “Guest Speaker Richard Martini, Filmmaker of Afterlife Documentary”