Life-changing audio interview-the afterlife, reincarnation, our soul

I highly recommend listening to this interview from September 11, 2012 with George Noory, radio host of CoasttoCoastAM.  It had a profound effect on my life, where I now just roll with the day-to-day life events without the struggle.   Journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini discusses his incredible journey finding evidence for the afterlife, life between lives, and “soul groups”; how when we’re between lives, we plan the circumstances of our next life, when the soul enters the body – and there’s a little surprise about that – and much, much more.  It’s a 3 hour interview, but I didn’t want it to end!

He also touched on his extensive research into the fate of Amelia Earhart, for which he also made a documentary detailing what actually happened to her.  This, too, is a fascinating story.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfortable, here’s the interview.  There’s an unrelated interview that precedes it with Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, where he talks about changes that have taken place in post 9-11 America. He contends the 9-11 attacks were used as an excuse to dismantle the Bill of Rights.  If you wish to skip that, scroll forward to 38 minutes 30 seconds where the Martini interview begins.

Here’s the link to Rich Martini’s site where you can find his book, Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on How To Navigate the Afterlifewhere you can watch his documentary, Flipside, online for only $5.  There’s also a link to where you can watch his 70 minute documentary on Amelia Earhart, Earhart’s Electra, for free if you’re in the U.S.  There’s a lot more of interest on the site as well.

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