Afterlife Interview with the Two San Bernardino Shooters

First, a little background on the Youtube Channel, ‘Channeling Erik‘.  Elise is the mother of Erik Medhus who, at 20 years old, took his own life on October 6, 2009. Overwhelmed with grief and despair, it propelled her to search for answers,  many of which came from an unexpected source…Erik, himself.  He began to visit friends and family, eventually sharing insight and wisdom from what he had learned from the Other Side. Each video on Channeling Erik explores the true nature of death, the afterlife, reality, the soul and the human experience — as told by Erik.

In the following interview translated by medium, Kim Babcock, you’ll notice that at 12:14, you hear Tashfeen Malik answer, “ISIS.” It’s clearly not Kim’s voice and overlaps with what she says next. Kim’s website:

You’ll see a comment (excerpt below) from Rich Martini, a friend of OC IANDS and author of A Tourist’s Guide to Navigating the Afterlife and It’s a Wonderful Afterlife,

Rich said:  This clip is bound to cause controversy for those without any context. In the first portion of the session the “shooter” tries to explain what her spiritual reasons were for this event happening – and it’s aligned with the same stories I’ve heard from people under deep hypnosis (“flipside”) talking about previous lifetimes where they were considered “evil” or their actions were considered evil. She tries to explain how it fits into a spiritual progression, but hard for someone to wrap their mind around if they haven’t been exposed to this kind of information in the past. But in the second portion she gives something of her reasons for her actions from a human perspective – that idea of being so “filled with rage” that she couldn’t see others as anything but infidels, to use a religious term. But the roots of this rage come from so many places, from drone operators telling us how they’ve blown up wedding parties, videos of children in Syria talking about their families blown up by bombs, and that relentless feeling of powerlessness some people feel, which fuels their rage. It’s so fascinating that she tries to tie it together with the idea of the planet needing for people to “feel more connected” and I think she’s talking about seeing what our actions bring about. But again, this video will be extremely difficult for loved ones of victims to stumble across without any context – it’s not what Tashfeen says – but what thousands say over and over again in the research – that once we cross over, we feel no pain, have no trauma or sadness, and can see with clearer eyes why events occur. I think you did a fantastic job of interviewing her, and she even revealed a number of things (“new information”) that haven’t been revealed by the authorities – that it was his uncle who helped finance the operation, that there’s a written list of the other “soft” targets they might have visited afterwards, and they trained in Afghanistan (or a place just like it).

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